This past week we enjoyed a visit from Austin potter, Ryan McKerley. It's been a good long while since we had a functional potter come through—our most recent visits have been from Kristen Morgin, Lauren Gallaspy, Kim Dickey, Julia Haft-Candell, and Pattie Chalmers, to name a few. It was a great change of pace, and very useful for the students.

Some back-story: Last year, Adam Posnak was part of "Art of the Pot" studio tour (that Ryan has helped organize for over a decade) and he and Jeannie came back from Austin with such enthusiasm for what Ryan and his friends have been doing, that we simply had to bring him in. We're glad we did. Ryan's demo was fantastic, and his lecture seemed to hit just the right notes for our beginning students. He's a very confident and engaging speaker, with great skills to boot. Beyond this, Ryan did a great job of sharing some of his insights on assembling a life around making and selling functional ceramics. 

AuthorMathew McConnell